What to Expect At An Initial Consultation?

It can be nerve-wracking meeting with a lawyer for the first time! Here’s what to expect:

  • During our first meeting, you can expect a 30 minute initial phone call or in-person meeting to talk about your situation. We will…

    • Talk about your work injury

    • Talk about your concerns

    • Answer questions and offer our initial ideas about solving your concerns

  • If you decide to hire us, then we’ll schedule your second session: a 60 minute intake phone call or in-person meeting. During this meeting, we will…

    • Sign paperwork

    • Get claim-specific details

    • Develop a litigation strategy and plan.

The Minnesota Workers’ Compensation System is one of the most complex work comp systems in the country. We focus exclusively on work comp. Work comp is all we do and we do it well.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Absolutely not. Consultations are completely free.

  • No catch. You won’t get a bill and you will not be pressured to sign a retainer agreement. As a lawyer, it is our ethical obligation to put our clients’, and perspective clients’, interests before our own. That includes supporting the right to choose your attorney.

  • You will be asked a wide range of questions relevant to your work comp case. Topics will include background information, employment, your injury, medical providers and treatment, missed time from work, and any specific issues or concerns you have about your work comp claim. This information will allow us to hit the ground running with your case immediately.

  • That is entirely up to you. I have had many clients forget questions that they wanted to ask during the consultation. Having a list of questions to bring can be helpful. If there are specific documents or letters that you have questions about, bring them or send them to us ahead of time. Bring any documents, medical records, or letters relating to your work injury to the meeting as well.

  • As long as necessary to answer your questions and gather information about your case.