Completing a First Report of Injury (FROI)

The First Report of Injury (FROI) is a critical document in the workers' compensation process. It is the initial report for all injuries claimed to be work-related and provides essential information to start the claim process. Understanding the requirements for filing the FROI is crucial for employees to document their injury.

Time Requirements for Filing

The filing of the FROI varies depending on the severity of the injury:

  1. Injuries with Disability Exceeding Three Calendar Days: The FROI must be filed electronically with the department. If the claimed disability does not exceed three calendar days but other forms are required to be filed, the FROI must be sent to the department along with those forms.

  2. Deaths and Serious Injuries: Must be reported to the department within 48 hours, followed by the FROI within 7 days.

  3. Other Injuries with Disability Exceeding Three Calendar Days:

    • For self-insured employers: The FROI must be filed within 14 days of the first day of claimed disability or the date the employer became aware of the injury and disability.

    • For non-self-insured employers: The employer has 10 calendar days from the first day of claimed disability or the date of awareness, and the insurer has 14 calendar days to file the FROI with the department.

Completing the Form

Employers must ensure the FROI is completed accurately and timely, as it is used by the department to set up the claim and assess penalties. Here are some key instructions for completing the form:

  1. Boxes Requiring Attention:

    • Box 1: Social Security Number (SSN) or Worker Identification Number (WID) is essential for identifying the claim.

    • Box 4: Date of Injury (DOI) is crucial, especially for claimants with multiple injuries.

    • Box 7: Employee name is used to identify the claim.

  2. Description of Injury:

    • Box 22: Describe the claimed injury and how it occurred.

    • Box 23: Specify the injury or illness and the body parts affected.

    • Box 24: Specify any equipment involved in the injury.

  3. Lost Time and Employer Awareness:

    • Box 26: First day of any claimed lost time, including time off for medical treatment.

    • Box 27: Indicate if the employee was paid for lost time on the date of injury.

    • Box 28: Date when the employer first became aware of the claimed injury.

    • Box 29: Date when the employer first became aware that the lost time was related to the claimed injury.

  4. Employer Information:

    • Boxes 36-42: Provide the employer's company names, addresses, and contact person.

    • Box 45: Date the form was completed by the employer.

  5. Insurer and Claim Administrator:

    • Box 46: Name of the insurer or self-insured employer.

    • Box 50: Date the insurer first received notice of the claimed injury.

    • Boxes 51/52: Name and address of the company administering the claim, whether the insurer or a third-party administrator.


Understanding the time requirements and completing A FROI accurately are crucial steps in the workers' compensation process. Employers and insurers must adhere to these requirements to ensure that claims are processed promptly and accurately. If you feel like your employer hasn’t completed the FROI properly, give us a call or schedule an appointment.

Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.


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