Tale From the Dark Side: Red Flags Work Comp Adjusters Look For

As much as I am loathe to admit it, I represented employers and their work comp insurers for more than half a decade. I defended work comp cases for companies like Costco, Jack Links, USIC, Target, and work comp insurers such as Helmsman Management Services, Liberty Mutual, Sedgwick, Broadspire, Gallagher Bassett, and AIU, to name a few. I like to think that my experience on the dark side offers me a distinct advantage now that I help injured employees get peace of mind during the work comp claim process. For example, here are 3 red flags adjusters look for when they first get assigned a potential claim.

  1. Duration of Employment: Claiming a work injury shortly after being hired is a red flag to most adjusters. Obviously this doesn’t mean if you’ve had a work injury that you shouldn’t report it or be concerned that your injury will automatically be denied, but someone who has worked for a company for 10 years without an injury has more credibility than someone who claims a work injury after working a few days.

  2. Day of the Week: Injuries that occur early in the shift and the first day back after the weekend are also red flags for adjusters. Adjusters typically suspect that the person was injured at home over the weekend but decided to wait until they were on the clock so they could get wage loss benefits and not have to pay for medical treatment out of pocket.

  3. No Witnesses: injuries that occur when no one is around is another red flag for most adjusters.

In my experience, adjusters will overlook one or two of these red flags if not all three are present. However, when all three of these red flags are present, and injured worker better make sure to cross their Ts. 3

Frayne Injury Law can help you with that. We accept clients at all stages of the work comp claims process. If you’re worried that your work injury is going to be red flagged, give us a call today!

Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.


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