No Case Too Small

At Frayne Injury Law, there is no case too small. We empathize with our clients and understand that even a “small” medical bill can feel like a mountain to pay off. We regularly take on such cases and give those clients the same time and attention as we would with clients with “big” cases.

For example, we recently took on a client who worked at a hotel and was unfortunately stuck by a used needle. Her employer did not report the incident to their work comp insurance company and more than a year and half later, she had bills going to collections for several thousand dollars. Thankfully, she didn’t miss much time from work and had no permanent diagnosis, but those medical bills were causing her stress. We were happy to take on her case and ultimately got all of her medical bills paid plus a little bit extra for her troubles.

Another client of ours was told by his adjuster that his work comp claim was closed and that he couldn’t go in to see his doctor. He wanted to get checked out for his work-related eye-condition. Frayne Injury Law took his case even though he only needed to be seen once by his doctor. We got the insurer to change their position on his “closed” claim and the medical treatment paid, in full.

If you think your case is too small for a work comp attorney to take it on, please reach out to us. We care about all our clients and give them equal time and attention, big or small.

Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.


Work Injuries in Parking Lots.


How are Workman’s Comp Benefits Calculated in MN?