Work Injuries in Parking Lots.

Navigating the journey from car to office during winter can be fraught with hazards, potentially leading to work injuries and workers' compensation claims. The combination of snow, ice, and low visibility increases the risk of slips, falls, and other accidents. Each year, many workers are injured in parking lots and on sidewalks while commuting to work, highlighting the importance of safety precautions. Understanding the common scenarios where injuries occur can help individuals take proactive measures to avoid accidents. Here are ten scenarios that illustrate the potential dangers and the need for caution when walking from your car to the office in snowy conditions.

  1. Slipping on a hidden patch of ice in the parking lot while rushing to get into the office.

  2. Tripping over a snow-covered curb that was obscured by fresh snowfall.

  3. Losing balance on a slippery ramp leading to the office entrance due to compacted snow.

  4. Falling on stairs due to icy steps that were not visible under a thin layer of snow.

  5. Twisting an ankle on uneven pavement covered with a layer of snow.

  6. Slipping on a wet floor inside the office building after bringing in snow on shoes.

  7. Getting hit by a sliding vehicle in the parking lot due to reduced visibility from snow.

  8. Falling on a patch of black ice near the office entrance.

  9. Suffering a back injury while trying to lift a heavy bag of salt to spread on icy areas.

  10. Getting hit by falling icicles or snow from the roof of the building while walking towards the entrance.

    While taking precautions can reduce the risk of accidents, injuries still occur during winter commutes. In such cases, seeking the guidance of a workers' compensation attorney may be crucial. Without legal representation, you could potentially miss out on important benefits you are entitled to. A work comp attorney can help navigate the complex process of filing a claim, ensuring that all necessary documentation is submitted correctly and on time.

    Insurance companies often improperly deny these cases as not “arising out of and in the course and scope of employment” because the employee isn’t technically on the clock. Even employees that are not on clock can be entitled to work comp benefits.

    Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.


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