Was your Work Comp Claim Denied by Hartford? Learn What You Can Do.

Quick Facts About Hartford

Hartford is a property and casualty company based out of Connecticut and founded in 1913. They offer workers’ compensation insurance within various states, including Minnesota.

Work Injury Victims May Be Entitled to Compensation From Hartford

Work injuries are a common occurrence in Minnesota. According to data collected by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, about 85,400 work injuries were recorded in 2022, with 37,400 resulting in at least one day missed from work. For many of these injured workers, the result is that they face extensive damages and financial hardship. Aside from the physical pain and suffering, often work injuries come with staggering medical bills and lost wages from work.

Typically, the work injury victim will receive the work comp benefits they deserve under their employer’s work comp policy. Unfortunately, however, all too often insurance companies improperly deny compensable work injuries.

If Hartford denied your work comp claim, what are your options? You could accept their denial at face value. Or, you could consult with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney at no cost. Contact Elliot Frayne today to see if you have a case!

Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.

Hartford Must Act in Good Faith

Hartford is legally required to conduct a good faith investigation of the facts and law surrounding your work injury. Denying a work comp claim without a good faith investigation of the facts or on a basis that is clearly contrary to fact or law is considered “frivolous.” If Hartford frivolously denies your work comp claim, you are entitled to additional payment of up to 30% of the benefits that should have been paid. This includes temporary total disability, temporary partial disability, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, vocational rehabilitation, and medical bills.

What Can Frayne Injury Law Do To Help?

Inspect The Notice of Primary Liability Determination

If Hartford denied primary liability for your injury, they have to send you a copy of the Notice of Hartford’s Primary Liability Determination (NOPLD). It’s important to review the factors the insurance company relied upon when denying the case. The experienced attorneys at Frayne Injury Law can review the denial and assess whether or not it is legitimate or not.

File a Work Comp Lawsuit

If your work comp claim should not have been denied, or if there are benefits you are eligible for that Hartford isn’t paying, we can file a claim petition to start the work comp lawsuit. We will make sure it complies with Minn. Stat. § 176.291 so it doesn’t get rejected by default.

Negotiate Settlement

Most work comp lawsuits settle outside of court. It’s important to have a strong advocate and negotiator to get the best value for your claim.


If Hartford isn’t willing to offer a fair settlement for your work comp case, then your case will go to trial and be decided by a work comp judge. It’s important to have a lawyer to advocate and represent you at trial to give you the best chance of getting a favorable decision.

If Hartford Denied Your Entire Claim or Denied Work Comp Benefits, What Are Your Options?

You could accept their denial at face value. Or, you could consult with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney at no cost. Contact Elliot Frayne today to see if you have a case!

Frayne Injury Law is a law firm that represents injured employees in work comp cases. A free, no obligation, consultation is available to anyone looking for legal advice.


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