What Does PPD Stand For?

PPD, in the context of a work comp claim, stands for Permanent Partial Disability. Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits are payable for the permanent functional loss of use of the body based upon a disability schedule. For example, an amputation of a body part or some surgeries will result in an additional payment of a permanent partial disability benefit. If you want to know what the dollar value is of a particular PPD rating (For example, 20%), check out our PPD calculators!

PPD ratings have been assigned as a percentage of disability to the body as a whole. The PPD schedule is used when determining the rating. The total percentage rating is multiplied by a specific dollar amount or a number of weeks to determine the benefits that are payable. Ratings cannot exceed 100 percent of the whole body for any one injury. Permanent partial disability benefits can be paid concurrently with temporary partial disability (TPD) and permanent total disability (PTD) benefits, but not with temporary total disability (TTD) benefits.


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